Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sick days

What i would give to cash in a sick day today. I remember the good old days when I worked for the gov't and had 6 weeks of sick time. Lots of days off laying in bed, with no interruptions. Dream, dream,dream....
Logann has passed along her cold/sinus infection to me again. Why do I always seem to get sicker than the kids? Guess this cold is a sign Fall is on its way. Not looking forward to the next 6 months of snot and dr. appts. and probably an adenoidectomy for Lo, is that a real term nurse Meg,Jude?
hope you guys are all healthy in rainy NY. Its 100 again today!

1 comment:

Spindler Clan said...

Well I have been dealing with Keaton being sick with a cold/fever for the last two days! It is definitely bizarre to see colds in the summer isn't it? I am hoping and praying that C doesn't get it! I am going stir crazy after being cooped up for two days!