Sunday, August 19, 2007

Say a little prayer

......for our new Beta fish "Traxy". I think she's on her way out. I forgot she's not suppose to have tap water. too much chlorine. what do i know about fish? so anyway Sophia got this pet from grandma while we were in Vegas! grandma better come back for the funeral and the mourning tomorrow. sophia is going to be devastated. she asked me last night why traxy was floating at the top now. i told her maybe shes just sick and needs her rest. she then decided we needed to go to the store to get her some medicine.
so i went to the store scope out her replacement. and they didn't have another blue Beta! so now i'm off to petsmart today. THANK YOU GRANDMA!
no more pets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really should consider writing a book about your kids; it's lol funny! Maybe a column in Parents Magazine for starters????