Saturday, August 30, 2008


today we made a quick stop at Dick's so John could get some new running shoes, (or Sneakers as they would say in NY). As we were heading to the front of the store to cash out, I asked John where Sophia was.
Literally two seconds later we hear over the loud speaker,
"Will Sophia's mom please come to the front of the store"
Talk about humiliation! When we got there, Sophia was crying and panicking while some lady was holding her and giving me dirty looks. Sophia then started yelling at me that I walked away and was hiding from her. OK sure. make me look even worse.
Last I remembered before I turned to look at the socks,was she in the shopping cart, begging John for those decorative things you put in your crocs. Maybe I should make the kids wear one of those backpacks with the long leash so I'll know where they are at all times. I'll admit I'm probably a little too lenient with them while shopping, but the loud speaker announcement was harsh punishment. I think I'm still red in the face.
P.S. why don't they ever page the Daddy?

No babies

Yesterday after I picked the girls up from the gym daycare, Sophia had me laughing again. All week she's been talking about when she gets big and has her baby boy.... So as we were leaving yesterday she said ,
"Mommy I don't think I really want a baby boy anymore"
"Oh you don't, you want a baby girl now Sophia".
"No, I want to know how you do NOT have a baby when you get big mom ?" She was really worried, it was funny!
"Babies cry too much, I don't like them anymore", she said.
I guess I could have had the birds and the bees talk with her, but she's only 5 for godsake.
So I answered pretty much without thinking. Something I might do too much.... oops.
"Sophia just make sure when you get big that you take those little pills like the ones in Mommy's room,every day! They are called the No Baby Pills and they work.
End of conversation.
Later I made sure to tell her never to take Mommy's pills because little girls would get very sick on them. I can just see her popping a pack of pills one day, can you imagine. Think I'll be hiding the BCs from now on

Sunday, August 24, 2008

No Visuals

So I haven't blogged in awhile. Mainly because I'm taking a photography class so I've been pretty much spending my extra time with that. Well until I managed to break my camera, the other day. One of the prongs in the camera that meets the memory card is bent, so it won't read the card. Can't quite understand how a camera can be designed to break by putting the card in backwards once? I do love my Canon Rebel and have been very happy with my photos but come on, it seems like a poor/cheap design! There has to be other idiots like me that didn't bother to look at the mem. card before inserting!
So I took it to Wolf Camera where I got it and they said it had to go back to Canon. Since we didn't buy the damage protection plan (we never do), they say the repair will cost at minimum $224! Only about 1/3 of what I paid for it, jesus!! Its only 3 months old! I am crossing my fingers that Canon cuts me a deal for being an idiot. And for making easily bendable prongs!!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Time seemed to stand still yesterday. I was running out of things to do, hence the self portrait photograph. See my neighbors house in the reflection. They drove their Escalade with 4 children 40 hours to Mexico in June. And have yet to return. Strange!

Walking the Dog


I bought Sophia the game Trouble for her birthday. I think we've played it 500 times the last 2 weeks. Its such a boring game, why do I remember liking it as a kid?

Red Heads

I think Jackson digs red heads. He has really taken a liking to the Ariel costume hair lately

Saturday, August 16, 2008

a well needed laugh

we've been having issues with sophia and her newly acquired attitude. i feel as though she has done a 180 from a sweet, super easy child, to..... complete devil!
so needless to say i was so happy when she managed to make me smile yesterday.
as we were window shopping around downtown wilmington sophia wanted to know how the camel was related to the cigarette! southern advertising!
i was really surprised she knew that a cigarette was called a cigarette. i can't think of anyone she knows who smokes, or anyone that even speaks of cigarettes.
anyway i said to her "how do you know what a cigarette is sophia?"
standard reply "because i know"
so i asked her, "sophia, just what is a cigarette?"
"Mom its like Beer! "

Monday, August 11, 2008

try this

I've gotten in the habit of reading random people's blogs. That may sound strange but you'd be surprised at all the interesting things I've learned and discovered. Here's my latest....just for fun check out this website. I thought it was really cool. I wish i could figure out a way to paste in my image.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Day 3 with one child and its getting easier! Why didn't I stop at one, this is a piece of cake. I even got a nap out of Logann today. I think the best part is the lack of fighting over everything under the sun and the ease of getting out of the house. I've decided 2 kids is much more than twice as hard as one, why is that?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

classical play

its true what they say about classical music. sophia tuned her clock radio to a classical station while the girls were playing and we finally had peace in the house. independent, quiet playing. think the music will stay. you should try it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Down to One

Grandma left for FL today and took Sophia with her!
So its just Logann and I the whole week, should be interesting. Not sure how much extra freedom I'll have as Logann is so use to having someone to play with. Oh well at least it'll be one less mouth to feed, body to dress, kid to tuck in this week. A little break for me.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Tomorrow Sophia turns five, I can't believe it! 5 seems to be a milestone, no more little kid, hello attitude, whining, and full day kindergarten, whoo hoo!
Every year the pressure is on for Sophia's birthday party. I don't know if its cause she's a Leo or what but all she talks about all year long is her birthday.
I'm never sure I'm going to live up to her expectations, last week she told someone we were having fireworks at her party!! : )
This year we decided on a pool party, I was a little worried, fireworks weren't in the budget. It worked out perfect though with just 9 kids, pizza, cake, a pinata, water balloons and games.
At one point during the party she came up to me and said "this is the best birthday party ever, and thanks for decorating too!" I guess we pulled it off. Phew!

Sophia wanted a Littlest Pet Shop cake which I couldn't find, so I bought a store cake and some petshop toys and here you have it.

My Last Minute Game Ideas: Jump over the noodle

basketball toss, Logann was a super star, beat the 7 yr old boy even! I see basketball in her future.

Water Balloon toss, didn't go so well, I forgot little girls can't catch! changed the game to water balloon fight, much more fun

Pinata, the hit!

Sophia loved her presents! So many petshops, Polly Pockets, barbies and girly stuff

The remnants of the pinata made for cute party hats


Finally posting the last of my pictures from our trip to NY. We spent a couple days up in Baldwinsville where we use to live. Our old hangout with the kids was Abbott's Farm just down the road. The girls loved visiting the animals and eating ice cream, and the new attraction a giant slide. Their friends, Keaton,Carson, Max and Zach joined us. We stayed for over 2 hours and somehow managed to avoid getting rained on. It was lots of fun! Afterward we went back to K&C's house to swim. More friends came over to visit. It felt like we had never left. We are lucky to have such good friends.

.Carson and Keaton
the favorite animal, a lion rabbit. very cool!

Superman eating his superman icecream

Max and Owen freezing. gotta love NY summers : )

Carson and Sheila

The newest addition Baby Henry, sportin a mohawk!