Monday, August 4, 2008


Tomorrow Sophia turns five, I can't believe it! 5 seems to be a milestone, no more little kid, hello attitude, whining, and full day kindergarten, whoo hoo!
Every year the pressure is on for Sophia's birthday party. I don't know if its cause she's a Leo or what but all she talks about all year long is her birthday.
I'm never sure I'm going to live up to her expectations, last week she told someone we were having fireworks at her party!! : )
This year we decided on a pool party, I was a little worried, fireworks weren't in the budget. It worked out perfect though with just 9 kids, pizza, cake, a pinata, water balloons and games.
At one point during the party she came up to me and said "this is the best birthday party ever, and thanks for decorating too!" I guess we pulled it off. Phew!

Sophia wanted a Littlest Pet Shop cake which I couldn't find, so I bought a store cake and some petshop toys and here you have it.

My Last Minute Game Ideas: Jump over the noodle

basketball toss, Logann was a super star, beat the 7 yr old boy even! I see basketball in her future.

Water Balloon toss, didn't go so well, I forgot little girls can't catch! changed the game to water balloon fight, much more fun

Pinata, the hit!

Sophia loved her presents! So many petshops, Polly Pockets, barbies and girly stuff

The remnants of the pinata made for cute party hats


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Phia!

Spindler Clan said...

Happy 5th B'day Sophia!!! :)