Monday, August 4, 2008


Finally posting the last of my pictures from our trip to NY. We spent a couple days up in Baldwinsville where we use to live. Our old hangout with the kids was Abbott's Farm just down the road. The girls loved visiting the animals and eating ice cream, and the new attraction a giant slide. Their friends, Keaton,Carson, Max and Zach joined us. We stayed for over 2 hours and somehow managed to avoid getting rained on. It was lots of fun! Afterward we went back to K&C's house to swim. More friends came over to visit. It felt like we had never left. We are lucky to have such good friends.

.Carson and Keaton
the favorite animal, a lion rabbit. very cool!

Superman eating his superman icecream

Max and Owen freezing. gotta love NY summers : )

Carson and Sheila

The newest addition Baby Henry, sportin a mohawk!


Spindler Clan said...

It was great having you back in town! We had fun hanging with you and the girls! :)

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

It was so much fun seeing you again :).