Friday, November 28, 2008


today, black friday, i stupidly decided to return some things to walmart. as i was standing in the usual LONG line, i was humored by the old couple in front of me. They somehow succeeded in returning a bouquet of flowers that they told the woman they had bought 3 weeks earlier and had died!! hello! how do people get away with this stuff. one things for sure the couple's probably loaded after all their returns. maybe i'll start a new career of returning. although that would require more patience than i have i'm sure.

xmas photo attempt

i've been taking lots of fun family xmas photos this month. i figured while we were in FL we could get ours over and done with as its always something i dread. my mom was in charge of the camera today(scary!) as she is know for chopping off heads. unfortuanately the bad photos weren't a result of the photographer. this was the mood of my children today..... needless to say i was pissy.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

scary turkey

i think logann is on her way to becoming a vegetarian. just about the only meat she eats is chicken nuggets. today she refused to eat anything off her thanksgiving plate.
this morning i thought it would be fun for her to help baste the turkey with butter. big mistake! she was totally freaked out by it and a bit confused. when the turkey was done cooking and cooling on the stove she ran out of the kitchen saying she was scared of the turkey. i wonder if i have forever ruined her thanksgiving dinner? she asked me a few times later in the day why we ate the turkey and where the feathers went.

Happy Thanksgiving

We are celebrating our first Thanksgiving in Florida this year. My mom retired in June and is staying down here in her condo for most of the winter. The thought of Tgiving in 70 degree weather seemed strange but I must say we're loving it! The girls have enjoyed swimming and going to the beach and of course spending time with Grandma. I've been relaxing, reading, napping and eating/drinking way too much. Luckily John and I have begun running again this week after a two month hiatus. My knee is finally not killing me anymore, I can't believe how much better I feel after some exercise. I also can't believe how quick my belly grew with no exercise. I guess they're right about that post-30 slow down in metabolism.
Today was pretty low-key. But isn't Thanksgiving always, kind of a boring holiday. After our run this morning, the girls and I watched National Dog Show and tried to decide on the breed for our next dog. The Pointer, which has always been a favorite of mine, took best in show. They prefer a dog from the toy group, something tiny and fuzzy!
We ate our turkey early, went swimming, and then after dessert drove around my mom's neighborhood looking at the Xmas lights. Can't believe people are so quick to decorate! The chore of unpacking the tree and accessories, hanging the lights and all the other Xmasy stuff doesn't sound appealing to me just yet.


Ok I am sooooooo out of touch lately with my blogging! My friend Megan apparently challenged me to a game of tag so here goes. I had to post the 4th picture of my 4th folder. Right now I'm pretty much only dealing with other people's photos, since starting my photography business(if you can call it that). So here's my pic 4th photo...I love this little boy Jake, he's 5 and a sweetheart with adorable dimples.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween

Everyone had fun at Halloween! The "devil" and the "Bratz cat"were so much more into it this year. I kept saying that the girls should have switched costumes as the devil suits Logann's personality so much more : ) They both looked adorable though and had no fear about running up to people's doors. We went out with a few of our neighbors and only hit about 15 houses as we don't have too many houses in our new neighborhood. But the girls still managed to get plenty of peanut butter cups and almond joys for mommy!