Saturday, June 27, 2009

Father's Day

We had a really nice father's day this year. Our friends left early in the morning to head back to Phoenix. We were so busy while they were here that all 4 of us were content just to chill and relax all day. We made John breakfast, relaxed and went swimming. Then all 4 of us took a long nap. And cooked out for dinner. It was a perfect, uneventful day!

john taking a break

logann working on her suntan. the girls always say they don't want sunscreen because they are working on their tan!

yes that is sophia jumping in the pool with john

sophia has started putting her head underwater and jumping in. i never thought we would see the day. i don't really think she likes it but she sure is proud of herself. she has made huge strides this year. logann is still as always the fish, john is working to perfect her stroke and already has her aiming for the olympics or the local swim teams for the time being.

Froggy Bye-Bye

I gave it my best, I really tried to salvage these little frogs as pets. but food became an issue. I went to Petsmart to buy live crickets but they were too big! Then we went on a bug search and found tiny little bugs to feed them but by the time we made it back home the bugs had escaped our bag? The frog food pellets began molding from the wet mud in the house. So I made an executive decision and I let them go in our backyard. I really didn't want to watch them die or watch them bang themselves into the sides of their house any longer. The girls were sad but really only for about 2 mins.
So we now have a $20 moldy frog house, $5 frog food, and discussions of a new pet, a bunny! No thank you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Frog Blog

Our friends Laura and Patrick are visiting this week from Phoenix. The kids are in their glory with all the fun things we've been doing. I think their favorite was our frog hunt. Laura and Patrick helped them catch 5 baby frogs in the greenway trail attached to our neighborhood. This was a first for them as catching frogs and bugs is something I would never do with them! Yuck!
3 of the frogs made an escape the first night so we are down to 2. Yesterday we went out and got them a frog house and bought some frog/tadpole pellet food which they don't seem to be eating. We've read you're suppose to feed them live bugs, crickets, etc. But finding crickets smaller than the frogs has been a challenge.
Any ideas, I'm feeling their death is coming soon : (

big frog, little frog

the tiny frog looks so small in Logann's little hand

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

family time

We've been busy lately and haven't had as much family time. Last week after our company left we decided to take the girls to their favorite park in Cary. Originally we had planned to picnic at a nearby Lake/Park after letting the girls play but we ended up instead at our favorite BBQ place for dinner as it was getting dark. The girls had a blast playing and spending time as a family. Everyone behaved and it was really enjoyable. Need to do this more often!

owl girl

I have to blog Sophia's comment from the other night so I don't forget it. I was getting ready for bed and she was in my room trying to buy a few more minutes. I said to her "man I'm so tired I can't wait to sleep. are you tired too?"
She quickly responds with "no eyes don't sleep til its late"

my kids have something with not wanting to sleep lately. Logann truly believes that she never sleeps. Every night i put her to bed she throws a fit and reminds me that she never ever closes her eyes.
maybe she doesn't, that sure would explain the attitude!
gotta love em though

Summer Vacation fun : )

have you seen uglier looks? the fighting and whining and meltdowns are upon us!

Monday, June 8, 2009

my nephew

john's brother and family visited from houston this week. it was only the second time we had seen their son, Apollo. Last time he was just 6weeks old. the girls had fun with him, and he had the most fun with Jackson i think. what a cutie! i must admit though after watching him on the go i'm not so sure i could handle another 1 yr old. way too busy! i felt bad our house is so not baby proofed. all those cabinets, stairs, etc! he was exploring it all.


so i decided to go ahead and play soccer with my stitches and all. it really wasn't the best idea especially as it was play-offs and there was a lot of testosterone on the field. lots of rough play,headers and yellow cards given out! i was a little worried about my head and all the aggression so i played like crap. john came to watch me for the first time too so that stunk. oh well i'll have to make it up in the fall (next season). we lost the game so we're out!
its so much fun meg you should try it out! and jude the dr. said to put vaseline on the stitches everyday? maybe thats an american thing : ) who knows? i was told not to get the stitches wet for 12 days but with all the vaseline i've been applying i am a complete grease ball, think i'm gonna have to shampoo whole head tomorrow. i was successful the other day at a half head shampoo, not that easy though. its itching like crazy so it must be healing. john says he can take the stitches out for me anytime i'm ready. he should have been a doctor, he's dying to cut all the rest of my moles off too. he claims he cut a few of his off with steak knives : ) crazy!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

urgh! i'm depressed

really depressed! its 415am and i can't sleep, have barely slept all night. i'm falling apart again! messed up my shoulder doing my favorite kickboxing class 12 days ago. so after two incredible massages, countless rounds of frozen peas, and many a Advil, it still hurts. i've been adviced not to return to class! bye bye kickboxing. what a bummer.
yesterday i went to the dermatologist for a bodyscan of my 1001 moles, freckles, and ugly spots that completely adorn my body. i was expecting a biopsy of something as is always the case. but i wasn't expecting to have a large black spot on my scalp removed.

so i sit here now with a headache, stitches in my head, 12 days with no hairwashing gross, 12 days with no ability to color the gray hair i have been needing to color damn! and worst of all NO SOCCER tomorrow. well no worst of all the potential for skin cancer on my head, yuck that wouldn't be fun or pretty.
but back to soccer, i need to play soccer tomorrow, i was looking forward to it all week. i love it!
did i even tell you i am playing soccer. i don't think i did. its a 25 and over (yes i just made the cutoff) still get carded every game : ) co-ed league. we play every sunday and some saturdays in the middle of the afternoon. its outside on a really huge field(i don't remmber the field being so big when i was playing in highschool) and its usually hot as hell. hence lots of sweating and calorie burning.
what a workout it is. i can run miles at a nice slow pace, but sprinting up and down the soccer field is a totally different thing. i also love the competition. as a kid i never cared about winning or losing. i had no drive. but for some reason when i get on the field now, the ball is mine and any girl or guy that takes it away (which is almost always : ) is going to have to deal with me. i can play defense for once in my life and i'm enjoying it. i understand what they say now about soccer injuries. its so physical i forgot how physical it was. its great! its such a rush.
so i've been reading up on health journals tonight and i think i might try to cake my stitches in vaseline to prevent the sweat from soaking them. then i'll alert my team that there will be no heading the ball for me. something i suck at anyway.
i'll get my endorphin rush on the field, cheer up my spirits, and start saying my prayers that i won't have to go back in for some more head cutting when the biopsy results come.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Preschool Grad

I'm a little behind on my posting. Logann graduated from 3/4yr old preschool May 19. She seemed excited to be done with school. I forsee a long 13 yrs of making her go to school. She'd much rather be home with mommy hanging out.
Anyway the ceremony was so cute they sang lots of songs and got their diplomas and we had a picnic afterward. I let Sophia skip school so she could come too.
I can't believe she still has one more year of preschool before she starts K. The cut off for K is early here so we miss it. Next year at least she will go 5 days a week. As much as she would love to stay home, she is so ready for school. She's already reading a lot and is very interesting in learning.

Logann and her teachers Miss Lori and Miss Amy