Saturday, June 27, 2009

Father's Day

We had a really nice father's day this year. Our friends left early in the morning to head back to Phoenix. We were so busy while they were here that all 4 of us were content just to chill and relax all day. We made John breakfast, relaxed and went swimming. Then all 4 of us took a long nap. And cooked out for dinner. It was a perfect, uneventful day!

john taking a break

logann working on her suntan. the girls always say they don't want sunscreen because they are working on their tan!

yes that is sophia jumping in the pool with john

sophia has started putting her head underwater and jumping in. i never thought we would see the day. i don't really think she likes it but she sure is proud of herself. she has made huge strides this year. logann is still as always the fish, john is working to perfect her stroke and already has her aiming for the olympics or the local swim teams for the time being.

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