Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween

Everyone had fun at Halloween! The "devil" and the "Bratz cat"were so much more into it this year. I kept saying that the girls should have switched costumes as the devil suits Logann's personality so much more : ) They both looked adorable though and had no fear about running up to people's doors. We went out with a few of our neighbors and only hit about 15 houses as we don't have too many houses in our new neighborhood. But the girls still managed to get plenty of peanut butter cups and almond joys for mommy!


Bauerfamilyof5 said...

So glad to see you blogging again. I've missed you. Hope everything is OK.

Spindler Clan said...

Love the pics! How's the photography gig going?

life with my boys... said...

That's so funny...based on all you've said, I was thinking "they should have switched costumes"...funny as I read on, you said the same thing. I'm sure they're both angels, 75% of the time!

Elizabeth said...

Peanut butter cups and almond joys - my two faves as well! Happy to see you posting again. :)