Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday nights

OK so i think i must have the most lame Friday nights of anyone i know. Every other Friday John is working til 9pm. TGIF what is that?? So its just the 3 of us tonight while everyone else in the world is out doing something fun as a family. Or all those single people are going out for happy hour, movies, dinner, etc.
Here's how my Friday night goes. 5:15pm witching hour strikes, never fails does it, kids are starving and crabby "as all get out"(my new southern phrase! seriously i would never actually say that but people do down here, its funny) Run to the grocery store for "Fried Chicken" more Southern stuff. Not good for the figure but its tasty. Come home, feed kids, watch them have yet another cat fight over who's turn it is to feed the fish. Wine starts pouring at 6:30pm, best drug around to calm the mama. Now its 7:35pm and i've finally snuck away from the girls who are listening to my CDs and pirroueting around the living room.
Not too much excitement over here. But the girls are happy and healthy and cute as hell. wouldn't trade it in for the world. ok so maybe this is the wine talking and I've just gotten use to my lame Fridays : )
TGIF to you all, hope you are all out doing something fun. or just sitting around appreciating your family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate my family time as well when the spouse isn't working