Wednesday, August 22, 2007


has anyone successfully given up coffee? if so you need to let me know how. lately i have not been able to sleep. seem to be averaging about 5 hrs a night. its ok right now but come a month or two when i'm running 40 miles a week(lets hope I am) I'm gonna need more sleep. and i can't do sleeping pills! they make me comatose.
so i'm thinking my lack of sleep is related to my new found love of coffee, at all hours of the day. without 2 or 3 cups in the morning and another cup or 2 around 4pm my head is POUNDING! but the minute i take of sip of that nasty stuff, instant relief. caffeine is a drug isn't it.
how did you girls give up coffee when you were pregnant. i never drank coffee til Logann came around so i didn't have to deal with it back then. But now that Logann has driven me to drink I'm screwed! i can't stop, Please help. isnt there some herbal drops or something you used Elizabeth.


Spindler Clan said...

Coffee... yuck! Can't stand the stuff. I just do my d.coke at 9am if I need the jolt but I am trying to kick caffeine also and it sucks! I have been drinking the caffeine free d.coke lately and it's fine, but I hear ya on the headaches. I still need my one can of caffeine a day to get through! Sorry, can't help ya out on any strategies. Let me know if you find one! :)

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Did it! So not fun! I was completely caffeine free for the first 14 (LONG) weeks of my pregnancy. The good news is that the headache (and feeling SUPER TIRED....oh wait, maybe that was just the pregnancy) didn't last very long. A few days max. And each day wasn't quite so bad. So, if you really want to do it, stick w/ it! But...why are you doing it again?

Anonymous said...

Ask Lindsey for a good rehab, she knows a few!