Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why don't Wii like Wii?

So Daddy Santa made a last minute purchase this year, the Wii. John sure had fun with it Christmas Day. The girls aren't all that excited about it however even though the initial reaction was good. We actually bought it in hopes that Logann would play it 24/7 and quit buggin so much. Yeah right, hasn't worked so far. Why are all these other kids so in love with Wii? What games do your kids play? We are waiting for Dance Dance Revolution to come what other ones are good?

Jackson does not like us playing Wii! Sophia and John were boxing and he was going crazy, its hysterical.


Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Don't give up. Emmett LOVES it. His fave games are Mario Cart and Super Mario Galaxy. They also like Carnival games and Playground games and Mario Olympics. Owen loves FIFA soccer (shocking, eh?), but I'm doubting your girls would love it.

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

OH....a friend of mine who has a 4 year old LOVES the Dora Princess one. Maybe that's more their speed....

life with my boys... said...

My dad got us swing zone sports, similar concept, can't add games. They play it for about 15 minutes then move on. Just what we wanted. They like it, but don't stay on it all day!

Spindler Clan said...

Keaton is definitely into it but Carson is still just a tad too young to really get into it. Keaton loves the bowling on Wii Sports or play, Mario Cart and the Snowboarding which is done with the Wii fit board. Very fun! Matt hooked the Wii up to the projector that he checks out from the university so they have been playing it on the guest room wall! It was very cool!