Sunday, January 4, 2009

Two thousand 09

do you remember being a kid and writing stories about life in the future? When I was in grade school we were always writing about the year 2010. I just realized how fast life is going, we are almost there...I wish I could dig up my old stories. How interesting they would be. I'm curious to know if I'm doing all the things now I thought I should be. I doubt it! I really can only remember one thing I wrote in my 3rd grade 2010 story. I would be driving a space mobile like the Jetsons. Too bad, my minivan didn't come with that feature, that would be fun!
So no one has blogged about their resolutions yet. I must admit I normally don't participate in that game. This year however I'm feeling very lazy and very boring. So like the rest of America I will be making an effort to get back in shape. Its scary when your jeans don't button. My hiatus from running has really given me a little buddha belly, too bad its not cute like it is on Logann. That needs to go!
My next resolution is to figure myself out. Ha, ha, that should be a challenge. Seriously though with the kids getting older I'm feeling in need of something that defines me. I've really enjoyed starting up my photography business. So my resolution is to get active with marketing and hopefully stay busy with new clients. The holiday season kept me busy and happy but already I am bored with having no work. I've got lots of learning to do and some more purchases to make (sorry John!) and tweaking of my website but I'm hoping and praying it takes off this year
like Amy's business did.
My last resolution is to do something charitable. I've always wanted to work at a food bank or with meals on wheels. But other than donating money I haven't ever followed through. I think this is the year to do it. We should all be counting our blessings that our families are employed and that we have a roof over our heads and food in our fridge. Its a scary world and I feel like I should be helping out in some way.
Comment or post your resolutions


Spindler Clan said...

Those are all wonderful resolutions! I completely agree...we are all very blessed and fortunate!

life with my boys... said...

I am frequently reminded of how fortunate we are. My kids are happy, healthy, and have quite a nice life. :) I don't usually make resolutions on new year's, but I do make them throughout the year...

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

What noble aspirations you have. Much more impressive then mine: lose weight and stop being so mean to my hubby and kids. :)

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Oh...and I'd KILL for your little buddha belly.

Elizabeth said...

You go girl! I admire your heart and your ambition.