Monday, January 5, 2009

did you hear about this

while i was cleaning up the kitchen today i had the tv going and i caught this story on the news. It's just so crazy i have to share it. i don't recall any names so i'm making them up but this is a true story I swear. I'm pretty sure it happened in CT.
Bob and Sue were married a long time, I saw a photo of Sue, she's probably 70ish. Anyhow Bob loved to play the lotto daily. One day in Nov.he bought a lotto ticket in the morning and then had a heart attack that killed him in the afternoon. Sue soon found out that the lotto ticket he bought right before his death won him/well her I guess, $10 million dollars!
Apparently after the appropriate mourning period she turned in the winning ticket a few days ago for the $6 million one time payout. How sad is that for poor Bob! ? ! And how sad is it that I find the story funny. Is that sick? But come on what are the odds?


Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I heard about that!!! Isn't that nice?

Anonymous said...

-Alanis Morissette-