Saturday, January 31, 2009

11 days ago

once again i am slacking on my blogging. my mom just took the girls to the movies, i debated spend free time vacuuming or blogging? screw the cleaning.
so 11 days ago we had a big snowstorm here (well big for NC) i heard we got 7 inches but I'm not so sure. its definitely the most snow i've seen in 3 years. i think we may have gotten an inch the last couple years.
the girls were all excited about the snow. they woke up at 6am and insisted on going out to play before it was light out. i made a bet with john that the excitement would quickly fade once they got cold and i was right. the first time we went out they lasted a couple mins. but i guess in hindsight i can't fault them completely as they don't own winter boots or "real" gloves, knit gloves only last so long.
later that day we went out again. this time i spent more time layering them and figuring out how to keep them warm with what we had. we blew up a tube we had for the pool and used it to sled down a hill in our neighborhood. believe it or not sophia had a good time but logann was not at all into it! i think it took longer to get them ready and outside then they lasted.
the whole thing was frustrating! they can be so wimpy sometimes it kills me! the next two days they had no school but we never went back out to play. they were over it and frankly so was i. the snow sure was pretty and a nice change but i am counting my blessings that it was gone in 3 days and the sun is back out and its going to be 60 tomorrow.

the dogs were the only ones wanting to play, they loved it but they are true snow dogs having been raised in NY

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

WOW! That is a huge storm for you guys. I HATE the snow. My boys don't particularly like it either. Snow sucks.