Saturday, July 26, 2008

Never Again

Friday we made the drive back to North Carolina. The girls and I were all looking forward to getting back home after 2 weeks away. Unfortunately I didn't anticipate the DC traffic. The usual 10.5 hour trip took us 13.5! Being in the car from 7am-8:30pm was torturous.
We basically got stuck on 495 and were crawling from Potomac,MD to Fredricksburg,VA. I think it took us 3 hours just to get out of the DC commuting area.
I drove the whole 13.5 hours myself. As I was sitting on 495 I was wondering how people who do the drive everyday don't get massive road rage. I must admit I had moments where I envisioned myself ramming all the stopped cars. Or other thoughts like maybe I'll just take the shoulder and see how far I get. Blaring the horn crossed my mind too.
Maybe I should sign up for an anger management course. : ) Or it might be I just need a vacation from my vacation.
At any rate we've decided never again to drive to NY! At least not for another year or so. No Aug NY vacation for us. Think we'll just stay local.

1 comment:

Spindler Clan said...

So sorry your drive back was so awful. I know exactly what you are talking about though and why it is so difficult driving that distance, especially with kids. It is about a 14 hour drive to Matt's parents and it completely wipes us out. We did enjoy you guys being here in NY though! :)