Friday, July 4, 2008

Girls Night Out

Sophia and I had a girls night out, just the two of us, a couple weeks ago. We went to see Horton Hears a Who. There is a $1.50 movie theater not to far away. We usually go there as the girls rarely can sit through a full movie. Fine with me as I'm usually bored with the cartoon in 5 mins and ready to leave. When John goes its a different story as he makes us all stay through the credits even!!
Sophia and I had such a good time that night. We lived it up pigging out on Reeses Pieces, Junior Mints, Gummy Lifesavers, Pepsi and Buttery Popcorn.
About 3/4 of the way through the movie Sophia turned to me and said "can we go now Mom or do we have to stay til the end." Home we went.
Sophia picked out her outfit that night so she would look "pretty" ,of course. She tried to talk me into wearing a dress, ha!!! no way!! , I tried to explain my theory of comfort to her but she didn't quite get it. I think she was embarrassed of me in my shorts/t-shirt : ) Poor kid.
then she added the sweater to her outfit in case it was cold in the theater, it was 100 degrees that day : ) but better safe than sorry I guess. She borrowed my necklace and I braided her hair. As she was sitting playing with her McDonalds toy waiting to go, I looked over at her and couldn't believe how old she looked. And adorable too but I'm biased.
Had to get out the camera especially when she was pretending to be Kung Fu Panda.

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

You're such a good mommy :)