Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Bible Lesson

Can you believe it, I signed my girls up for Vacation Bible Camp!! After one day of VBC for me at age 8 or so, I always vowed I would never put my kids through that. But I couldn't resist. The church where they go to preschool is having it, and get this it was only $15 for M-F 9-11:30am. Thats like fifty cents an hour : ) And better yet 12.5 hrs of freedom for me.
So off to camp they went Monday. The first two days they loved it. They came home with lots of neat crafts, and were singing all these Jesus songs. It was pretty funny.
Today was a different story though. When I picked them up Logann seemed happy but Sophia was quick to ask how many more days they had. I asked her if she had fun and this was our conversation....

did you have fun Sophia
no it was bboorring!!
because ALL we talk about is Jesus!!
(me trying not to laugh)
oh tell me about Jesus Sophia
who is he?
Jesus is a guy mom, but he wasn't at camp today because he was up above
oh why was he up above?
i don't know, but he's the guy with all the blood mom
how come he has all the blood ?
because the bad boys put him on the cross

Nice! i think they could have left the blood part out. my child will be having nightmares for sure tonight. I did feel the motherly need to add to Sophia's story a little so she would understand what up above meant and all. Not an easy task! Guess thats where church would come in handy.


Spindler Clan said...

My boys go to VBS all next week. At least I am hoping that they BOTH will go. Not so sure C will let me leave him there. But ours is free so it's worth a shot at least. I grew up going to church camps and Young Life camps and it was so much fun, but it really depends on the program. Some are better than others.

Sorry that her experience wasn't wonderful! :(

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I have WONDERFUL memories of VBS and church camp. Keep trying....