Saturday, July 14, 2007

Outdone by a 10yr old

My half - sister is in town visiting for a couple weeks. She's 10 and has already been referred to as my daughter a few times. I guess I could be her mother as I am 19 yrs older than her. But man that makes me feel really old!
Anyway she is really into taking care of the girls. So I let her watch the kids last night while I had some beers a couple houses down. I couldn't believe how well she did. While I was gone, she put the kids in their pajamas, brushed their hair and teeth, and had them watching a movie. On top of all of that she came up with what she called a "whining chart". Each time they whined or cried they were given a black check mark, and if they did something good they were given a heart. I can't remember what she said exactly but after so many hearts and no checks they were promised a trip to ToysRUS and a party of some sort? Needless to say they have been so excited about this chart, it goes everywhere with us! And sadly, its been working, at least better than any of my ideas! She even drafted a contract for the "whining chart" and had them sign it. right now its hanging on the fridge. It cracks me up!
So after almost 4 years of parenting I am resorting to the tools of a 10 yr old! My next goal for her, getting Logann potty trained.


Anonymous said...

Wow I am very impressed with this website you have created, and equally impressed with the marathon training, good for you. I just plan on going away to Vegas for a few drunken days when my 30th rolls around. Your idea sounds much healthier :) Just wanted to let you know I have been keeping up with your blog to see what you have been up to, keep up the great exercise regime. -Christy

Anonymous said...

sounds like a teacher in the making to me!