Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

Well John finally talked me into going the fireworks this year. First time since we've been married! I think fireworks are over-rated, you've seen one, you've seen them all. Unless they are set to music and released over a lake(a Great Lake that is!) Actually its not the fireworks that I dread so much during these holidays, its the crowds and the hassles of coming and going, and is it just me or do the strangest people come out of the woodwork for these events? But anyway people do get excited for this stuff and my husband is one of them. So being the good wife that I am, ha,ha, we all went to Regency for the fireworks last night!
Lets just say I'm thankful that we brought a bottle of wine and some beer in the wagon. Had I not had a buzz going I don't know if I would have been such a good sport. We met up with some friends who have twin 5 yr olds and a 6 yr old. Our girls have become buddies so the kids had fun.
Obviously Sophia and Logann had very different reactions to the fireworks. We had to leave pretty much as soon as they started because Logann was screaming and taking cover. Poor kid! ........Alright I'll admit it I did have fun!

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Logann looks so OLD! Wow! What a change since when you left. This was the first year we've missed fireworks since Owen was born. Completely depressing! I'm glad you went.