Sunday, July 1, 2007

handsome boy but a guard dog he is not!

this dog should be in commercials. have you ever seen the weims that make it to TV? they are scrawny, ugly little things. look at that face! he could make me some $$$ I just know it!

too bad he'd never protect me from intruders though. this i know for a fact as we had the ultimate test not too long ago........

our lunatic drunken fool of a neighbor didn't want to give us the courtesy of taking his party inside at 1am one night. for those of you that don't know we practically live in a fishbowl down here. huge houses on top of each other. seroiously there is 6 feet between our house and this neighbor. so anyway as john and i were lying awake one night at 1am listening to their obnoxious banter. discussions about ronald reagan and religion even(my 2 favorite topics!)

john finally fed up went outside and asked them to quiet down so we could get some sleep and get to work the next day. they basically just laughed in his face. said a few nasty things behind his back and pissed him off. a little brawl ensued....lucky me had the pleasure of trying to break up the fight between the 300lb "Drunken Joe" and my husband in a state of mind you would never believe. so as a man on the deck sits and watches me maneuver in between these animals, i am elbowed in the ribs by Joe. And down I go. Not a good idea Joe! now John is really ready to kill him. Somehow i manage to pull JOhn away before any real punches are thrown. just a couple tackles is all it amounts to.

anyway after we go inside the guy turns into a madman. starts pounding on our backdoor, throws stuff around on our deck, he's screaming at john to get his "f-ing ass" outside. calls up one of his buddies for back up, etc. this goes on for about hour. at about 2am he starts ringing our front doorbell which sets Jackson off. Most of you have had the pleasure of hearing Jackson and his ridiculous barking! He sounds like he'd eat you up in a heartbeat. Very few people will even come in my house when Jackson is around. So as John finally opens the door to Joe they start screaming at each other and Jackson bolts upstairs. He's hiding on the bed, shaking! What happened to my guard dog?

I'm getting nervous, this guy is really drunk and stupid. I remember how petrified of Jackson he is. So I go upstairs and try to coax Jackson off the bed. I'm yelling "get him, get him, Jackson look, help Daddy,Jackson intruder, bite, attack, dinner." Nothing i could think of would convince my 104lb wimp of a dog to help us out. I was seriously depressed for days over this...... that was the reason i wanted him in the first place.

Oh well luckily there's 911 and the Holly Springs Police Dept. Thats a whole 'nother story that I'll post someday. Things are too crazy down here! I'll keep you posted on all the drama. Hey you may even see us on the TV series Cops, at least thats what it felt like that night

To all my old, sweet, quiet neighbors boy are you missed!

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