Tuesday, July 3, 2007

my days are numbered

So I see this nutty doctor down here. She and her office are so bizarre its hard to describe. Freaked me out the first time, the place is in desperate need of some organization, piles of junk everywhere, instead of nice artwork on white walls there are prints of all these wild animals almost looks like she ripped them out of a magazine and hung them up. Instead of the standard leather furniture there is mismatch wicker chairs, and a sofa with frayed throw pillows. Its definitely not the sterile environment that you think of when you imagine a doctor's office. A neighbor recommended this doctor to me, I'm still on the fence as to why.

Somehow though this lady has sucked me in and I continue to see her. Even though I question if she can possibly hold a medical degree : ) Basically before this year I considered myself to be pretty healthy, at least healthier than the average American. Lately though Dr. Katie(everyone in the South is referred to on a first name basis,yes its strange!) has almost convinced me to start shopping for my "plot." She acts as if I'm not going to make it to 30 and comes up with more and more problems everytime I see her.

Here's my latest prognosis........cholestrol way too high 227. need meds! i am still in denial. worse thing is my bad cholestrol is really bad, not good! I have hypertension supposedly - blood pressure 130/87 , more meds! she wants me to buy a $80 blood pressure machine to test myself on a daily basis, no way! I think I'd rather stand in line next to the elderly at Eckerd every morning to get my reading! what about the white shirt disease,is that what its called where your blood pressure spikes in the dr's office. that sounds more realistic to me. she has ordered an echocardigram too not even sure why or what exactly that is.
next week she is sending me to the dermatologist because she thinks i could have melanoma on my arm. Not surprised about that one but hope she's wrong. She wants me to have a bone scan too because she is convinced I'm going to have osteoporosis?? She has me on these horse sized Calcium supplements for prevention. Too bad I can never remember to take them. The latest was last week she sent me home with 2 cups to collect my urine. She keeps finding blood in my samples and said I could possibly have bladder or kidney cancer. I just read up on it myself and found out that it is very common for runners to have this from all the pounding. She knows I run but didn't mention that. Instead she has ordered a series of painful and yucky tests of my kidney and bladder to rule out cancer. I've been through this once before at 19 and everything was fine. I don't think its necessary to go through all of that again.............................. So I've decided I'm going to have Sophia pee in the cups just to get her off my back.
I'm thinking it might be time for a second opinion. Just to make sure my days aren't numbered.


Anonymous said...

i'd get a second opinion, especially about the cholesterol and high blood pressure...i won't say why, but it reminds me of a dear friend...keep us posted on what the second opinion says, then i'll share my story...amy

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I'm fairly certain you'll make it to 30! But I'm not opposed to tests. What the heck? Do everythihg that's (mainly) pain free and covered by insurance. Then, rest assured that you are healthy as a horse!