Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yates Mill

Sophia had her Kindergarten Orientation Thurs. I was really impressed with the school and the principal, teachers. All the K teachers looked about 22, bubbly,sweet. Sophia had a great time viewing the classrooms. Luckily her best friend from our neighborhood will be going with her, riding the bus, etc. Should make the transition easier.
We are being sent to a school about 6 miles away. They are trying to balance out the schools in the area. People are freaking about it. Its good and bad I guess. Its a very diverse school. Lets put it this way she'll definitely know some Spanish when she comes out. It seems to be about 60% white, and 40% hispanic and black. There probably won't be too much keeping up with Jone's. I like that though. Hopefully she'll be more well rounded and have a greater appreciation of where she comes from.

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I can imagine your neighbors are freaking out! Diversity is a good thing :)