Friday, May 23, 2008

Playing Hooky

john had to work in wilmington this week(closest beach to us for those of you who don't know NC). last night the girls and i headed down to meet him for a couple nights. i finally talked him into taking today off as he has been putting in ridiculous hours lately. as we were getting ready to leave for the beach his cell rang and it was a manager so he raced into the bathroom since he's suppose to be at a store! the kids were screaming and playing so i told them to be quiet because daddy was on the phone and wasn't suppose to be here.
sophia looked at me and said "oh no is daddy going to get fired mom!!"
i have no idea how she knows the concept of fired. its not like either of us have been fired. must be tv huh??

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Uh'oh! Hopefully, you're boss doesn't get wind of your blog...hope you had a great day!