Saturday, May 17, 2008


After a way too long stretch of no one going to bed at a decent hour, girls crying about sleeping alone, everyone too scared to sleep in their bed, waking up at all hours to come get us,etc.
Mommy put her foot down, I had to, I was becoming a bitchy Mommy!
Hell I feel like I devote myself 100% to the girls all day but when its night time I check out.
So anyway I've Super Nannied them back to their old ways at least for the last 3 nights. New rule in this house. Bed time is now seven zero zero as the kids say. Everyone sleeps alone and no one cries. 3 Nights in a row its worked and they've slept 12 hours straight.
Let me just say everyone is much happier!

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I wish my kids could get that down. We still have Owen and Emmett in our room at night! UGH!