Thursday, March 20, 2008

Year Round Schooling

So almost every school down here is year round now. The thought probably seems ridiculous to you all in NY, but if you lived down here you would understand the need when its 100 degrees everyday in Aug! What better place to be then in an air-conditioned school. Not to mention I believe the theory that the retention is better going year round. So needless to say while most people are fighting it, I'm all for this year round schooling.
Go figure that in our new house we are now slated for one of the only traditional calendar schools around! I was bummed to say the least but hopeful when I learned I could apply for the year round school via a lottery system. We had our heart set on the 9 weeks of school, 3 weeks off schedule. Just imagine cheap vacations, and not fighting the crowds because you are off at odd times of the year.
So I applied online for the lottery and we crossed our fingers.
just found out yesterday, WE DID NOT GET IN!! I was sad and disappointed for awhile. But then it dawned on me that Sophia being on the traditional schedule means she doesn't start til Aug 25 instead of July 7 with the other school, so now at least we can go to NY this summer, maybe even for a month??
I still can't believe she is starting school!!!!!!!!!!!!


Spindler Clan said...

That is too bad you didn't get in, but I am glad that you will be able to visit this summer! :) We can have some playdates in the pool!! :)

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Bummer! Hope to see you soon...

life with my boys... said...

I'm glad you can come now, but yes, that's a bummer. I've always been 100% for year round schooling. Retention and the year isn't broken up by vacations. There are a million reasons in my mind. Anyway, we look forward to seeing you!

life with my boys... said...

I'm glad you can come now, but yes, that's a bummer. I've always been 100% for year round schooling. Retention and the year isn't broken up by vacations. There are a million reasons in my mind. Anyway, we look forward to seeing you!