Monday, March 17, 2008


good news i lost 5lbs this weekend, no exercise involved! bad news, it was a result of living over the toilet for a couple days. why am i always blessed with the stomach bug every year? YUCK! fortunately i was the only one in the family hit with it, so far at least! saying my prayers the girls and john don't get it. not sure which is worse suffering through it or nursing the 3 of them?


Spindler Clan said...

YUCK!!! So sorry you got the bug! Hope you are feeling better! I will keep my fingers crossed that John and the kiddos don't get it also.

life with my boys... said...

No kidding, I'd rather be sick than take care of three 'men' that are sick any day...they are so helpless!!!

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I am pretty desperate to lose 25 more pregnancy pounds. Maybe I need the stomach bug..