Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Skirt Chasers 5K

Sat night John and I participated in the Skirt Chasers 5K in downtown Raleigh. It was such a good time ,well other than the 26 mins of hell it took me to complete the actual race : )
The race was hysterical though. the women wore skirts and got to start 3 mins ahead of the guys. The guys then raced to catch the girls and for the single men (majority of racers) they hoped to find/catch a date also.
Our friend Peter raced with us. The course was really hard, hilly and hot as it started at 5pm when it was about 80degrees. 19 mins into the race Peter passed me (smacked the girly logo sticker i was wearing on my back). Anticipating another smack from John right away I started getting bummed. Luckily it never happened and I beat him by 20 or so seconds, (with my 3 min. advantage! ) I finished a minute and a half slower than my last 5K a month ago, and 80th out of 375 female runners. Not great but I was really just happy i didn't puke like some others as I was hurting bad!

John,Peter and his catch Jen

Peter in black leaving us in the dust

me in green skirt happy to see the finish after all those hills

John in white trying to make sure not to get passed by a guy pushing two kids in a stroller behind him!

"I actually paid $35 for this pain" thoughts to myself about 2 miles into it

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