Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So I am finally trying to finish up my Europe blogging. I am not a very productive blogger these days. I think I'm burnt out! That seems to happen to me a lot. Last year I was an avid cook and gym rat. This year I love eating out and laying in bed : ) Now I need to start loving shopping since none of my clothes fit : (
Well anyway back to Europe. So we totally were spoiled this year with a big trip to Holland and France. My mom was so generous in watching my crazy monkeys for 12 days. I'm sure it wasn't easy for her, they can be a handful! The first week went well, but on day 8 the honeymoon ended and their true personalities came out. So next year we'll be limiting ourselves to a week vacation : )
We flew into Amsterdam and spent 8 days with our great friends Rob and Judith whom we know from Baldwinsville,NY. They live about 45 mins from Amsterdam. It was a great experience staying with them and getting a taste for the true Holland and the way the locals live. The country was very impressive. I can see why they are back there.
We then went to Paris for 3 nights. A few years ago John went to France to follow the Tour de France and has been talking about taking me to Paris ever since. So glad we were able to get there, Paris is by far the most beautiful, historic, and romantic city ever! I loved it, and John even claims it was better the second time around.
My posting dates got a little screwed up and I'm missing the first couple days but I think I've posted enough for now. Enjoy!

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