Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Red,White and Blue!

We had a fun, busy, Memorial Weekend. John and I ran a 5KRace on Sat, BBQ/Bday party Sunday and then Neighborhood pool party Monday. The girls loved getting dressed up in their patriotic dresses and star flipflops. They decided they must have a lemonade sale too at the pool party so that planning took up most of the morning. It was quite entertaining to watch them create the sign, discuss the money and details and serve the customers.

I was surprised by how much fun they had with it. And luckily by how little they cared about the couple dollars they did make. At first Sophia insisted if anyone forgot their nickel they weren't getting any free lemonade because then they wouldn't make any money! True..... but surprising coming from a sweet 5 yr old. Logann was the generous one that decided she would buy them lemonade then with her piggybank.

the kids were lined up for the lemonade (nasty Crystal Light actually). They had a little meltdown when Mommy refused to go grocery shopping so they could squeeze real lemons. The powdered stuff would have to do. We did get a couple complaints though from the tough big boys.

Ms. Daredevil!

Sophia's future husband! Or one of them! This little dude sportin the Dutch spike is Nolan. He was over Sunday for the BBQ, the son of my good friend Kelly. How cute is he? And the kid can read! He's only 5 but he can read anything you put in front of him. Its the strangest thing ever. John gave him a medical journal once last year and he read it.

there is no I in TEAM.

it wasn't long before they all tumbled. but it was cute while it lasted!

Jonah the birthday boy and Nolan's little bro. Nothing beats Diego and lots of frosting at 3. We had a fun little party just us two families.

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