Sunday, December 7, 2008

Three's a Crowd Right?

how can you not want another child after photographing this angel? My baby fix didn't last long enough. I came home wanting another, even having been peed and spit up on.
However after reading the trials of life with 3 in Megan's blog I think I'll just see about borrowing him.

6 weeks old


Elizabeth said...

What a cutie! Your photos are awesome Christa. As for the chaos of 3 kids, I second Megan's sentiments! It's funny - I read about how you got to relax by the pool in Florida with great envy, knowing that day for me is still another year or two off. Babies are the best but it's like hitting reset on the odometer: you're back to all zero's again, starting over. Leah's currently in that lovely can't-sit-still-for-more-than-10-seconds-stage which is precisely why we're not coming back for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

he is such a cutie!the pictures are coming along great for u! good luck

Spindler Clan said...

So precious! Your pictures look great! I can't wait to do cute pics like that when the baby arrives. :)