Monday, December 15, 2008

don't think i'll have to be boosting sophia's self esteem anytime soon. tonight she comes up to me and says "mom guess what?, I LOVE myself!" it was funny, and awkward, but good i guess, especially considering most of her little girlfriends are already so insecure. maybe being blessed with that skinny little body of hers helps her confidence : ) she definitely is her own person, and doesn't care what anyone else thinks or does. she's in her own little world, but i'm glad she's happy with herself, how long will it last?


Anonymous said...

She's a Leo, I'm sure she'll have it the rest of her life ;)

life with my boys... said...

I wish I were her! I'm just starting to TRY not to care so much what others think. But, the older I get, the meaner people seem to be getting around me, so I've vowed to do the opposite! you GO, Sophia!