Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa brought a stomach bug

actually it all started before xmas, last Saturday was day one. I came down with a really bad stomache and spent the better part of the day in the bathroom. Logann woke up Sunday morning in a puke covered bed and began throwing up, running a fever and having diarrhea. It was quite hellish! Everyone was trapped inside all week, running Logann to the bathroom, and trying to figure out a medicinal cocktail that she could keep down. We ended up at the doctor on Xmas Eve as she was still feverish and very sick after 5 days. They reassured us after some blood work and a urine sample, that it was only a stomach bug and wrote us a prescription for Zofran. We opted instead to give her Phegram(?) suppository, not much fun to administer but it helped. I think we scarred her for life though, she's still afraid to take off her underwear for fear of the butt shot as she calls it.
She woke up Xmas morning not realizing what day it was, but with enough energy to unwrap her gifts. Today she is 95% better thank goodness!
The stomach bug sure put a damper on the Xmas week. We had lots of activities and get togethers planned that we had to cancel but we still had a nice day and a lot less puke to deal with.


Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Bummer! What a horrible week to get sick. Did Sophia and John get it, too?

Spindler Clan said...

So sorry to hear you guys were sick. Not fun! Glad she is doing better!