Thursday, June 12, 2008


i'm not a huge oprah fan. usually she annoys me with her egotism. regardless i do tape her show everyday because....i don't know, i just do. since we moved in and set up the dvr i don't think i've watched one of the 3 months worth of taped shows. but today i was exhausted at 4pm and poured myself a glass of wine, sat down on the couch and flipped to her show. interestingly enough the topic was on the power of postive thinking, visualization, finding your purpose in life, healing your life, happiness, etc.
anyone that knows me knows i am a pessimist(inherited trait, thanks!), and a huge skeptic. normally i would laugh about this type of show but today it hit me and i became very interested in what they were saying.
they discussed a few books on the topic "The Secret" and "You Can Heal Your Life" and i actually think i'm going to try to read them. if like me you tape the show, watch it, or visit and read about today's show. it might suck you in too.

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