Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fear of the Mama

Just the other day my friend and I were talking about how kids today don't fear their parents, and how much harder it is to parent under those circumstances. Do I sound old or what? "kids today"
Anyway this afternoon while I was mowing the grass, Sophia came running out to tell me that Logann was making a mess in the kitchen. Normally a mess is toys everywhere, or some spilled juice. No big deal!
Today's mess however was a different story. i came in the house to find 2 bags of rice dumped all over the kitchen floor! According to the girls, the 25 My Little Ponies they have needed some food! Didn't look like those ponies were too fond of brown and jasmine rice though because it managed to get everywhere, in every crevice of the kitchen. I personally think the girls were throwing it at each other and the ponies had nothing to do with it. What would possess them to get out the rice?
At some point the guilt set in with Sophia and she came to get me as well as tattle on Logann, and herself! She's smart like that.
Lets just say the rice proved it, I have it, that fear! I didn't think I did but 5 lbs of scattered rice all over the floor was a great test. I didn't even have to lose my temper. It was all about the look, that sent my two little girls running away shaking. A long time out, countless "I'm sorry's", and some sweeping and I was over it.
I'm feeling quite confident now in my parenting abilities. fear of the mama is a good thing.

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I totally need to learn how to do "the look". I don't have it down, yet. Where's the picture of the rice?