Tuesday, November 20, 2007

For Sale: One Bad Little Girl

as my dad would say my child is a "diablo" (devil in italian). must be all the Hook blood in her, she is nothing but trouble lately. here's an example... yesterday i put her down for a nap. of course she didn't want to go to bed but she went. i could hear her chatting away, typical. after about 30 mins. she was still chatty so i decided i would let her skip the nap. when i opened the door she was once again painting her walls and her bed with poop. and as if that wasn't enough, she had ripped up her new My Little Pony Thanksgiving book(the book her and her sister had a full out battle and crying fit over hours earlier). After lots of yelling at her, cleaning up the mess, long timeout, etc. She proceeded to tell me she ripped up the book because she "just didn't want it anymore" She was silent about the poop smearing! But she did decide it was a good time to point out some art work she had created on the wall with crayons she must have found in Sophia's room.
About an hour later as I was upstairs getting dressed she found a pencil sharpener in the junk drawer, i think. Luckily not the electric kind : ) I guess she thought it would be fun to put her finger in and turn. Lots of blood and screaming to end the day!

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