Saturday, September 8, 2007

Women drivers! - today's pet peeve

So this morning I had to get up early and get in my 75 min. run before John went to work. Short on time I decided to do my run from the house rather than get in my car and drive to my usual long run spot.
The course I ran today is basically country road running, no sidewalks! Unfortunately the people that designed the roads in NC way back when, failed to include shoulders for the roads. This has driven me crazy the last year and prevented me from biking too! Anyway so when you run these courses you are pretty much running in the road or right on the white line. On the side of the road is high grass, they don't seem to mow the sides of the roads here either. I wouldn't mind running in the high grass if I wasn't aware of the vast amounts of ticks that seem to live around here. Or if I hadn't spotted a dead snake 2 mins into my run. Obviously I was not stepping foot in that grass!
So here's where this all comes together, yes I am long-winded! Ok the road I ran today is really busy even at 7am on Sat. morning. I'd say I was probably passed by at least 30 cars today. Bored with my running I started playing games in my head as I began noticing patterns in the oncoming cars.
What I calculated was that the cars with women driving never seemed to move over for me. It was almost as if they wanted to plow right into me, pissed that I was running 4 inches into their lane. Or they were just such cautious drivers and wouldn't dare touch the double yellow. Although that theory doesn't make much sense as people down here don't seem to know the rules of the road very well.
Now the men on the other hand went out of their way to make me feel comfortable. As soon as they spotted me they proceeded to drive in the opposing lane well after they were around me. It was actually amusing, I could tell 99% of the time what gender was driving the car before I could even see the driver.
So to all you women out there don't be afraid to swerve into the other lane to save a runner's life, even if it means breaking a rule or two!


Anonymous said...

the women were probably just pissed and jealous, as catty women can be...i mean, with all this running your ass has to look incredible, right???!!! - amy

Spindler Clan said...

Hey...this female pulls in the other lane for bikers and runners!:) Know what you mean though...typically it's the mom's that I see fly through this stop sign by my house. The men are usually the ones to make a complete stop. I don't get it!!