Friday, February 15, 2008

Packing Party

Last Sunday John worked all day and the weather was cool so I decided to get a head start on packing and attacked the kitchen. 5 hours of constant wrapping and taping with very little to show it seemed. But.....what the hell was I thinking anyway, not hiring the movers to do all the packing, like in our last move. I guess I figured I could put the $1800 it would have cost to a better use : ) I also have an annoying character trait of not letting things hang over my head. It worked well in college when I had a paper due. I was the one that went home and wrote the paper that night even if it wasn't due for 2 weeks. Procastination is not me! So here i sit with almost 2 weeks til the actual move.....80% of the house is packed......i'm feeling good.....although I forgot I was going to need cookie cutters for Sophia's Vday party - packed, vase for my Vday rose - vases packed, nightly book for the girls before bed - all packed , running out of checks, - oops already packed. This is a no-win situation!!
So while i was busy wrapping my fine china(ha!) and drinking wine on a Sunday afternoon(a must while packing), my sweet, well behaved(for the moment) daughters were entertaining themselves by styling their My Little Ponies. Here is the finished product. They were so proud!

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