Friday, February 15, 2008

Kindergarten Registration

My baby is on her way! Today she officially enrolled in the Wake County School System! Where did the last 4.5 yrs go?
Right now I'm actually looking forward to sending her to kindergarten, probably because I'm exhausted, but mainly because she is so excited to go. I'm sure though when the bus rolls into the neighborhood in Aug, I'll be the mommy clinging to her trying to talk her into homeschooling, yeah right!!


Spindler Clan said...

How exciting for her! Yes, I am sure when the actual day arrives you will have that little tug on your heart like we all felt and you will want her to stay home with you, but trust me when I say that it only lasts a moment. Then when there is a week long break like we have ahead of us this week, you think to yourself I can't wait for school to start back up!!! :)

Anonymous said...

wow her hair is getting dark!

life with my boys... said...

ditto to she's comment, but the worst part for me was watching the bus pull away down the street...essentially pulling my little boy from me...some stranger with his life in their hands! turns out, not even a very nice stranger! but when it pulled back a few hours later, it was awesome...still is a thrill to see him get off and run up the driveway toward me.

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Eek! What a big girl. Is it full day or half day?