Thursday, July 2, 2009


on a whim john decided that we needed a bar for our screened in deck. he went out to lowe's one day and came home wanting not only a bar but all new furniture. i went back to help him coordinate it all, you know make sure it matched! so here are some pics of our new stuff. we absolutely love it and spend just about every night out here drinking wine, talking. we turn on our funky little lights, have with our candles going too, (we were inspired by Rob and Jude's nightly candle lighting ritual in Holland) we listen to our water fountain and all the crickets. Its so peaceful!

what you can't see is that the fern is resting on top of a wine cooler that keeps are wine/beer at arms reach, yes the Ironman has become that lazy!
my reading chairs, yeah right when i start reading again i may use them!
our deck is an L shape, this bistro set is on the other of the reading chairs. the kids were suppose to eat here but they never do. it fills up the space at least

the water fountain, best purchase


The Doane Home said...

Love the new furniture...looks so comfy.

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

It's absolutely beautiful.....sure would love to come visit you all sometime (soon!) :)