Thursday, February 5, 2009

can you answer this

ok all you teachers and K alums, I have a question for you.... How many letters are there in the alphabet count both lower and uppercase? And how many sounds are there? Sophia's teacher has completely stumped me with a comment on her report card. Even her explanation didn't make sense to me or my mother(a former teacher).
lets see who's smarter than a 5 yr old? someone help me figure out what the hell this Southern belle is talking about, maybe it has to do with that accent of hers, ouch, I'm kinda mean tonight. No offense Mrs.Melissa Paige Lineberry King (yes that is the name she goes by) I do think you are a saint for what you do.
answers please.


Elizabeth said...

okay, I'm worried this is a trick question that I'm going to bomb...BUT as far as I recall, there are 26 uppercase and 26 lowercase letters in the English alphabet. As for sounds, that depends on which phonemes you count - for example, each vowel can make two sounds (long/short) and then there are digraphs (ch, sh, th, etc.) so that can be more complicated. I'm curious to hear Miss Melissa's interpretation...

life with my boys... said...

I'm with she talking 'verbal' or written? What was the comment?

Anonymous said...

There are multiple fonts for specific letters (such as g) that students need to know. It's not rocket science.