Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I need one

I don't know about you guys but I'm so tired of driving such a family friendly automobile. Don't get me wrong, I do love all the features my minivan offers, like the automatic doors, push button seat storage, GPS, etc. But jesus all of a sudden it has dawned on me that I am still in my 20s(barely) and I drive a lame minivan. You know whats even worse? When your 54 yr old mother drives a "hot car" and you drive a minivan. Luckily I got a little tease a few weeks ago when I went back home to visit and got to test drive the Saab. How do I get me one of these?? Trade-in!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

3 Kids and a name (this ones for you meg)

Best of luck to all my pregnant friends out there going for number 3. I admire you! My sister has been here for a week. So I've essentially had a little taste of what life with 3 kids would be like.
And I've decided I can't do it! If I change my mind Elizabeth, I'll borrow your book on how to conceive a boy because 3 girls is way too much drama for this mama to handle!!
Ironic though that I have finally discovered a boy's name that I like, the same week I've decided he's never going to exist.
Some of you remember the huge battle John and I had over the "boy" name. He was dead set on Lance, which of course is after L.Armstrong. Puke! He's not my idol obviously. Plus doesn't Lance sound like a wimp! Actually to me it seems very fitting for a gay guy.
I on the other hand always liked Carson. But then Sheila and LeAnne had to go and beat me to it. At least you have taste in your names girls.
So here's my new name I heard it at the pool yesterday ......... Sorren ("Soar'in") Meg get out your little name book and tell me what you think, does it go with the other two names : ) That is the funniest book I've ever seen.
So anyway back to my sweet dream of a little dark haired blue eyed Sorren, that likes to kick a soccer ball, doesn't care about looking pretty, and never whines!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Outdone by a 10yr old

My half - sister is in town visiting for a couple weeks. She's 10 and has already been referred to as my daughter a few times. I guess I could be her mother as I am 19 yrs older than her. But man that makes me feel really old!
Anyway she is really into taking care of the girls. So I let her watch the kids last night while I had some beers a couple houses down. I couldn't believe how well she did. While I was gone, she put the kids in their pajamas, brushed their hair and teeth, and had them watching a movie. On top of all of that she came up with what she called a "whining chart". Each time they whined or cried they were given a black check mark, and if they did something good they were given a heart. I can't remember what she said exactly but after so many hearts and no checks they were promised a trip to ToysRUS and a party of some sort? Needless to say they have been so excited about this chart, it goes everywhere with us! And sadly, its been working, at least better than any of my ideas! She even drafted a contract for the "whining chart" and had them sign it. right now its hanging on the fridge. It cracks me up!
So after almost 4 years of parenting I am resorting to the tools of a 10 yr old! My next goal for her, getting Logann potty trained.

Painting with Poop

What would possess a 2 yr old to do this? Please tell me this is normal. I've finally calmed down after finding Logann who was suppose to be napping, diaper off, painting everything in her room (including her body!), with shit, a lot of shit! I was one dry heave away from puking cleaning up that mess. Especially after I realized that she had taken some breaks to suck her dirty thumb, yum!
This sounds like something only the male population would do. She has to be part boy. maybe this is my fault for giving her such a "boy name"
So much for all that patience I thought I had. Lets just say I'll bet my life she won't partake in that game again.

Country Crap

So I'll admit it. You girls in B'ville have converted me. CMT is taking over my TV! Of course its only because the radio stations down here SUCK!!!!!!!!! I really need to break down and get XM radio. Then maybe I won't be forced to listen to all that "country crap." : )
Anyway you guys never mentioned Dierks Bentley. His voice is a little too country for me alone but the video of him.............I can handle!
Move over Toby Keith!
(Thats your Man right Amy?)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Big Brother 8

Alright all you cheezy reality show fans you know who you are a.k.a Amy, Sheila, Meg, Tonya. I've jumped on your bandwagon this summer, Had to figure out the hype behind this Big Brother thing.
So this is why you looooove it huh, the hard bodies? Because its certainly not the show's substance or the depth of the characters. I've decided I'll keep tuning in as long as they keep their shirts off !
Don't really like his face though. But jesus how did he get those abs? Is there such a thing as ab implants? I need to check into that. Who's your fav?

Monday, July 9, 2007

Logann's latest

Logann has been talking up a storm as an only child this week. Two funny lines of hers today were "oh shit!" she says it constantly, and usually out in public! To mortify me on purpose, I just know it. I do give her credit though as she knows exactly how and when to use it, just like mommy : ) The bad thing is she is always dropping things and running into walls still so it has become her favorite phrase. John is going to kill me when he gets home as he is always lecturing me about my swearing.
Her other line lately is "mommy I'm cute!" i have to laugh at that one too. at least she's self-confident right?

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Last night as Logann and I were getting the mail, we were nearly run down by our "lovely neighbors", in their massive Suburban! Ironic that they decided to hit the gas upon noticing us, fly by their house (which comes first)and swerve toward us, the whole while laughing out the window like fools. Real funny especially with their kids in the back seat and all! Scary thing is this was after I watched them spend all afternoon downing beer at the pool. They must have gotten word that John is out of town and thought it would be cool to begin harrassing me.
So my question is aren't you allowed to carry loaded rifles in the back of your pickup down here in the South? I think I need one of those accesories for my mini-van : ) My stow-n-go is empty, and I'm in need of some backup this week. Especially while getting the mail!
The saga continues................

Friday, July 6, 2007

Only child

John and Sophia just left this morning for NY. I decided to stay behind with Logann since I was just there. I'm looking forward to only having one child all week! Imagining all the stuff I can accomplish(though with Logann you never know). But I must say they've only been gone an hour and since Logann is still sleeping it seems strangely quiet. Something I think I can get use to : ) For a week at least


Jackson found this guy (or is it a girl, how do you tell on a turtle ?) in our gardenias out back. I think Jackson was just as scared as the turtle during their meeting. It was funny, he kept barking at it and trying to pick it up but the shell must have freaked him out. Luckily the girls came to the turtle's rescue by screaming hysterically. I'll admit I was happy John was home to take care of moving it. I don't think I could have touched it, yes I am a wimp! John and the girls took him for a ride in the wagon down to the woods and reunited him with his mommy and daddy.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

Well John finally talked me into going the fireworks this year. First time since we've been married! I think fireworks are over-rated, you've seen one, you've seen them all. Unless they are set to music and released over a lake(a Great Lake that is!) Actually its not the fireworks that I dread so much during these holidays, its the crowds and the hassles of coming and going, and is it just me or do the strangest people come out of the woodwork for these events? But anyway people do get excited for this stuff and my husband is one of them. So being the good wife that I am, ha,ha, we all went to Regency for the fireworks last night!
Lets just say I'm thankful that we brought a bottle of wine and some beer in the wagon. Had I not had a buzz going I don't know if I would have been such a good sport. We met up with some friends who have twin 5 yr olds and a 6 yr old. Our girls have become buddies so the kids had fun.
Obviously Sophia and Logann had very different reactions to the fireworks. We had to leave pretty much as soon as they started because Logann was screaming and taking cover. Poor kid! ........Alright I'll admit it I did have fun!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

my days are numbered

So I see this nutty doctor down here. She and her office are so bizarre its hard to describe. Freaked me out the first time, the place is in desperate need of some organization, piles of junk everywhere, instead of nice artwork on white walls there are prints of all these wild animals almost looks like she ripped them out of a magazine and hung them up. Instead of the standard leather furniture there is mismatch wicker chairs, and a sofa with frayed throw pillows. Its definitely not the sterile environment that you think of when you imagine a doctor's office. A neighbor recommended this doctor to me, I'm still on the fence as to why.

Somehow though this lady has sucked me in and I continue to see her. Even though I question if she can possibly hold a medical degree : ) Basically before this year I considered myself to be pretty healthy, at least healthier than the average American. Lately though Dr. Katie(everyone in the South is referred to on a first name basis,yes its strange!) has almost convinced me to start shopping for my "plot." She acts as if I'm not going to make it to 30 and comes up with more and more problems everytime I see her.

Here's my latest prognosis........cholestrol way too high 227. need meds! i am still in denial. worse thing is my bad cholestrol is really bad, not good! I have hypertension supposedly - blood pressure 130/87 , more meds! she wants me to buy a $80 blood pressure machine to test myself on a daily basis, no way! I think I'd rather stand in line next to the elderly at Eckerd every morning to get my reading! what about the white shirt disease,is that what its called where your blood pressure spikes in the dr's office. that sounds more realistic to me. she has ordered an echocardigram too not even sure why or what exactly that is.
next week she is sending me to the dermatologist because she thinks i could have melanoma on my arm. Not surprised about that one but hope she's wrong. She wants me to have a bone scan too because she is convinced I'm going to have osteoporosis?? She has me on these horse sized Calcium supplements for prevention. Too bad I can never remember to take them. The latest was last week she sent me home with 2 cups to collect my urine. She keeps finding blood in my samples and said I could possibly have bladder or kidney cancer. I just read up on it myself and found out that it is very common for runners to have this from all the pounding. She knows I run but didn't mention that. Instead she has ordered a series of painful and yucky tests of my kidney and bladder to rule out cancer. I've been through this once before at 19 and everything was fine. I don't think its necessary to go through all of that again.............................. So I've decided I'm going to have Sophia pee in the cups just to get her off my back.
I'm thinking it might be time for a second opinion. Just to make sure my days aren't numbered.

Monday, July 2, 2007

give a kid a camera....

logann is in love with my camera. yesterday i discovered these photos that she and sophia must have taken recently. it is kinda cool to see life from the angle of a 2 yr old. what do you think amy davis?

Jim Boeheim

As I was boarding my USAirways flight last week on the little Dehavailand Dash 8 plane(the plane John once flew back in the day) I noticed the man behind me seemed kinda tall. Someone yelled "hey coach' and I looked back and sure enough it was him, Jim Boeheim the coach of the SU basketball team. It was pretty sweet being so close to the man and his big nose and blad head : ) Actually he looked better than he does on TV or from the nosebleed section of the Carrier Dome. I could almost understand what his hot young wife sees in him, well not quite! We didn't exchange words or anything. He wasn't very approachable. Just sat in front of me with his nose in a James Patterson novel the entire time. I was dying to ask him what he was doing or if I could get my picture taken with him but I'm a chicken. Go 'Cuse!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


last i checked my girls look nothing alike even with the same updo. so why does everyone still insist on asking me if they are twins? today alone i answered the question 3 times. ok i know twins don't always look alike but what you can't see here is that sophia is about twice as tall as logann. hello! they need to wear shirts when we're in public that say, we are 14mths,28 days apart that is not a twin! by the way i just met a lady whose kids are 9 1/2 mths apart thought i had bad luck : )

handsome boy but a guard dog he is not!

this dog should be in commercials. have you ever seen the weims that make it to TV? they are scrawny, ugly little things. look at that face! he could make me some $$$ I just know it!

too bad he'd never protect me from intruders though. this i know for a fact as we had the ultimate test not too long ago........

our lunatic drunken fool of a neighbor didn't want to give us the courtesy of taking his party inside at 1am one night. for those of you that don't know we practically live in a fishbowl down here. huge houses on top of each other. seroiously there is 6 feet between our house and this neighbor. so anyway as john and i were lying awake one night at 1am listening to their obnoxious banter. discussions about ronald reagan and religion even(my 2 favorite topics!)

john finally fed up went outside and asked them to quiet down so we could get some sleep and get to work the next day. they basically just laughed in his face. said a few nasty things behind his back and pissed him off. a little brawl ensued....lucky me had the pleasure of trying to break up the fight between the 300lb "Drunken Joe" and my husband in a state of mind you would never believe. so as a man on the deck sits and watches me maneuver in between these animals, i am elbowed in the ribs by Joe. And down I go. Not a good idea Joe! now John is really ready to kill him. Somehow i manage to pull JOhn away before any real punches are thrown. just a couple tackles is all it amounts to.

anyway after we go inside the guy turns into a madman. starts pounding on our backdoor, throws stuff around on our deck, he's screaming at john to get his "f-ing ass" outside. calls up one of his buddies for back up, etc. this goes on for about hour. at about 2am he starts ringing our front doorbell which sets Jackson off. Most of you have had the pleasure of hearing Jackson and his ridiculous barking! He sounds like he'd eat you up in a heartbeat. Very few people will even come in my house when Jackson is around. So as John finally opens the door to Joe they start screaming at each other and Jackson bolts upstairs. He's hiding on the bed, shaking! What happened to my guard dog?

I'm getting nervous, this guy is really drunk and stupid. I remember how petrified of Jackson he is. So I go upstairs and try to coax Jackson off the bed. I'm yelling "get him, get him, Jackson look, help Daddy,Jackson intruder, bite, attack, dinner." Nothing i could think of would convince my 104lb wimp of a dog to help us out. I was seriously depressed for days over this...... that was the reason i wanted him in the first place.

Oh well luckily there's 911 and the Holly Springs Police Dept. Thats a whole 'nother story that I'll post someday. Things are too crazy down here! I'll keep you posted on all the drama. Hey you may even see us on the TV series Cops, at least thats what it felt like that night

To all my old, sweet, quiet neighbors boy are you missed!


so i'm a copycat! just received an email that a good friend has started one of these. sounded like a good idea, easy way to keep you all updated on our exciting life down here. i know each and everyone of you will be checking this daily!
i'll try to post pictures and stuff rather than mass emails.